Car Servicing & MOT

How It Works:

How It Works:

When you obtain a quotation, you agree to Servicing Stop Ltd's Terms and Conditions. We will send a copy of your quotation to your email address, and let you know how to book an appointment. If you wish to stop receiving emails from us, you can click the unsubscribe link provided in our emails, we provide links to this in each of our emails.

Car Servicing in Brent

Car servicing in Brent explained

Do you need a car service in Brent? Servicing Stop can collect your car free of charge from anywhere in Brent, take it to one of our quality garages for the car service, and deliver the car back once the service is complete. Our warm and friendly staff will make sure you are satisfied not only with your car service, but also with your experience with us. Our qualified, experienced technicians will be happy to answer any technical questions you may have.

We have exceptional garages throughout Brent, with expert staff that have great experience in the car industry. The mechanics are motor industry experts, so your car will certainly be in good hands.

We only use brand new, pre-approved parts and we guarantee that your warranty will not be affected. You can make massive savings on main dealer prices, so it makes sense to book your next car service in Brent with Servicing Stop!

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